Pentecost Sunday 2021 – Our Area

Let’s spend this morning ahead of our gathering united in prayer over our area.

Jeremiah 29:7 “But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.”

Thank You, Lord, for this TriCities area. We see Your majesty in the beauty of the mountains and experience Your goodness along the edges of the lakes, rivers, and creeks. We worship You at the work of Your hands. We declare Your generosity as we hunt our lands, fish our streams, and work our rich farmlands & growing businesses. We bless You, and we pray that our area would be a place that glorifies You and spreads Your fame. Your will be done here as it is in heaven.

Take some time this morning and pray through and bless the following places in Jesus’ name. Invite in the rule and reign of heaven. Ask God how He sees these places and pray into what you are sensing.

  • Your home
  • Your neighborhood
  • Your church
  • Your city
  • The City of Kingsport
  • The TriCities
  • This region

We will see you later this morning at J. Fred Johnson Stadium at Dobyns-Bennett – we can’t wait to worship together! Worship starts at 10AM but we recommend arriving by 9:30AM to ensure ease of entrance and seating.